CliftonStrengths® Family Coaching Workshop

Using a guided approach, I facilitate strengths-based conversations to create fruitful dialogue that empowers families to create a culture of honor and greater understanding within their home. 

When all is said and done, have we invested our time and effort in the things that are most important? I have not met one person at the end of their life that wishes they had spent more time at the office. Most would say they wished they had spent more time with their family. One never regrets investing in the "intangible wealth" of great relationships, healthy communication, understanding and appreciating differences.

Bring the best of who you are to your family. Develop a culture within your family of curiosity and discovery of one another's strengths, so that individuals' innate strengths are appreciated and celebrated. Create closer family bonds as members become aware of the strength and beauty of the family's collective strengths.

Begin with a CliftonStrengths Family Workshop.


  • Pre-session consultation - A one-on-one conversation between facilitator and family leader, to share current dynamics, desired outcomes, and ways to develop a language of strengths in the home.

  • Four-hour workshop that includes fun experiences that will also help members to realize their unique contributions to the team as well as help them see more clearly the contributions of others.

  • Developing  awareness of raw, unhelpful versions of talent vs. mature, productive versions of talent. Discover paths to grow and develop into the “best of you," and the "best of us."

  • Taking a look at shared goals and how they can be achieved through the collective strengths of the group.

  • One-on-one follow up coaching for each team member which allows for momentum to continue as growth points are realized.  These sessions will be confidential.

  • Workshops are customizable.  The cost depends on how many will attend.  

  • Can be done virtually, but in-person workshops offer more energy and interaction.