Team Building Workshop

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” - Hellen Keller

Are you ready to take your team to the next level? Is it time to elevate? Design a plan for integrating strengths into the company’s everyday culture to create a common language for healthy interaction and strong partnerships.


  • Pre-session consultation -  A one-on-one conversation between facilitator and team leader, to share current team dynamics, desired outcomes, and ways of getting the most out of your team.

  • Four hour workshop that includes fun experiences  that will also help members to realize  their unique contributions to the team as well as help them see more clearly the contributions of others.

  • Develop awareness of raw, unhelpful versions of talent vs. mature, productive versions of talent. Discover paths to grow and develop into the “best of you," and the "best of us."

  • Taking a look at shared goals and how they can be achieved through the collective strengths of the group.

  • One-on-one follow up coaching for each team member which allows for momentum to continue as growth points are realized.  These sessions will be confidential.

  • Workshops are customizable.  The cost depends on how many will attend.